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Training & Coaching

Conflict Management Skills Teleconference

Conflict Management Skills teleconferences provide clients with instruction and support similar to that of face-to-face training. The program offers online training at home by employing examples of real life scenarios for the purpose of examining the standards of proper or inappropriate behavior in society. The teleconference may not interfere with the client's employment or educational pursuits.

Consider this teleconference for offenses which are situational or unlikely of recurring. Clients will learn to role-play conflicts to discern and evaluate them to develop effective conflict problem solving skills - to reduce the occurrences of criminal domestic violence or some lesser assault charges.

The program places a high value on replacing unproductive conflict-decision-making skills with positive alternative thinking. Clients may ask questions at any time and the instructor may field questions as well.

Course: Conflict Management Skills Teleconference

4 sessions,
Total: $140.00,
weekly: TBD when registered
Time: TBD when registered
Lenell Geter's story and book are important. They take us through the depths of despair, felt - at times - by all who seek to overcome stiff odds and life's twists and turns. More importantly, his book and life teach lessons that can help anyone recover from adversity and fulfill their dreams.
 — Darryl L. Mobley, Family Digest Magazine