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Motivational Speaking

The best keynote speakers leave you feeling that you have learned something worthwhile, motivated, enthusiastic, hopeful, and ready to take action. One of Lenell's techniques is to share personal stories of adversity-overcoming skills and how you too can learn lessons to overcome your hardships.
Since his vindication in 1984 from the Texas justice system, Lenell Geter has been a widely-sought speaker, teaching his adversity-overcoming skills and faith lessons. He uses his experiences and success to motivate others to achieve their personal best and to live the American dream. Do you need to increase your employees' morale, encourage your church group, or empower your youth group? Lenell Geter can construct a presentation to achieve your goals. He is available for:
  • Keynote Presentations
  • Banquet Speeches
  • Panel Guest and
  • Seminars
As a keynote speaker, Lenell delivers practical methods tempered with humor. As a seminar presenter, he inspires participants to overcome problems and find solutions. Lenell has received numerous coveted honors. He has been honored by several cities across the country and he has received recognition in his home state of South Carolina by the state legislature. Click below to request more information about securing Lenell to speak at your event.
The readers of this book will find universals in his strength of mind and in his focus on strong familial support and common sense. He believes that human beings must respect God and themselves to be able to focus on family, and personal development.
 — Dr. Calvin D. Hutson, Chairman of The Department of Communications and Languages, South Carolina State University